Blue Lilac & Lily Pintail Scented Candle

Blue Lilac & Lily Pintail Scented Candle


Blue Lilac & Lily Pintail Filled Tin candle

Rich powdery tones of blue lilac are infused with the heady scent of stargazer lilies. Wrapped up in a bouquet of enchanting notes of exotic jasmine, wild rose and delicate violet. Reclining on a rich and mellow base of delicious vanilla and smooth tonka.

  • Pintail Candles are vegan friendly and the fragrances are not tested on animals.
  • Individually hand poured in the little fishing village of Flookburgh, Cumbria.
  • Diameter: 7.5cm x 4cm
  • Burn time: Up to 14 hours

Made in Britain

Product Code 317296
Quantity (1 in stock)